Key Insights from IWoHaW2024: Thought leaders, innovators and experts on Happiness and Well-being at Work In today’s fast-paced business world, the importance of employee well-being and happiness at work is undeniable. The International Week of Happiness at Work 2024 (IWoHaW 2024) gathered thought leaders and experts from various industries to explore how organizations can create […]

10 free webinars! International Week of Happiness at Work 2024 with 10 Exclusive Webinars! The International Week of Happiness at Work 2024 begins in a week and Handson Coaching is thrilled to announce that we will be offering a series of 10 impactful webinars throughout the week. This global event, running from September 23rd to […]

Unveil your team´s potential with the help of TAWDI In an ever-evolving business environment, the ability to adapt and thrive hinges on more than just individual talent—it’s about the synergy within teams. TAWDI (Team and Workplace Dynamics Inventory) is designed to harness the collective potential of your workforce, ensuring that each member can contribute effectively […]

Getum við verið hamingjusöm í vinnunni? Þann 8. nóvember 2023 hóf Vinnueftirlitið aðgerðavakninguna #Tökum höndum saman: Eflum heilbrigða vinnustaðamenningu. Samkvæmt heimasíðu Vinnueftirlitsins þá var markmið aðgerðavakningarinnar: „að vekja athygli á því að heilbrigð vinnustaðamenning stuðlar að öryggi og vellíðan starfsfólks og er ein áhrifaríkasta forvörnin gegn einelti, áreitni og ofbeldi á vinnustað. Hún hefur auk […]

June 4, 2024

Að rækta góða vinnustaðamenningu: Kraftur teymisþjálfunar og öflugrar framtíðarsýnar Í hröðu og samkeppnishæfu vinnuumhverfi nútímans eru stjórnendur  að átta sig á mikilvægi þess að efla vellíðan og hamingju meðal starfsmanna sinna. Ánægðir starfsmenn eru ekki aðeins afkastameiri og virkari, heldur stuðla þeir einnig að jákvæðri vinnustaðamenningu. Í þessari grein munum við kanna hlutverk teymisþjálfunar og […]

December 29, 2023

After The International Week of Happiness at Work! During the International Week of Happiness at Work, Handson Coaching offered series of online talks where some great speakers shared their insights and expertise on various topics connected to happiness and well-being in the workplace. “Workplace happiness habits promoting sustainable wellbeing and performance”   Paula Immo and Miia […]

October 2, 2023

Celebrating the International Week of Happiness of Work 25. – 29. september 2023 Happiness at Work: Unlocking the Potential for Success In today’s fast-paced and competitive corporate world, organizations are increasingly recognizing the importance of prioritizing the happiness and well-being of their employees. The International Week of Happiness at Work is a global initiative that […]

September 23, 2023

Who is promoting employee wellness and happiness in your company? The Chief Happiness Officer (CHO) is a relatively new role that has emerged in many companies. The CHO is responsible for promoting employee wellness and happiness, which can lead to increased productivity and job satisfaction. A CHO facilitates and maintains employee happiness by planning and […]

September 15, 2023

Seriously! Can Happiness at Work Unleash Productivity and Engagement at Work? For many people, the idea of being happy at work seems like an impossible dream. We often think of work as a necessary evil, something we have to do to pay the bills, but not something that brings us joy or fulfillment. Well, maybe […]

Empowering Corporate Teams in Iceland: The Role of a Visionary Coach In the rapidly changing business environment of Iceland, companies are constantly seeking ways to improve employee performance, promote collaboration, and increase productivity. To accomplish these goals, many innovative organizations have engaged corporate team coaches, and some have even opted for the distinct approach of […]