After The International Week of Happiness at Work!

International Week of Happiness at Work

During the International Week of Happiness at Work, Handson Coaching offered series of online talks where some great speakers shared their insights and expertise on various topics connected to happiness and well-being in the workplace.

  • “Workplace happiness habits promoting sustainable wellbeing and performance”   Paula Immo and Miia Huitti

  • “Vision: the Positivity of the Future”  Dr. Oleg Konovalov
  • “Silver Threads: Stitching Together Happier Workplaces with Micro-Appreciation”  Dr. Sarah Ratekin

  • “Gratitude: The Key That Unlocks Workplace Happines”  Kevin Monroe

  • “The Hidden Power of Employees’ Voices”  David Bellamy

Overall, the International Week of Happiness at Work is a time to reflect on the importance of happiness and well-being in the workplace, celebrate success and failures, and learn from great speakers. It serves as a reminder that happiness and well-being are essential for individual and organizational success, and that investing in employee happiness can lead to a more productive and fulfilling work environment.

Listening to the speakers, as they created a unique opportunity for learning and personal growth, their talks and presentations offered practical tips, strategies, and perspectives that can positively impact individuals and organizations long after the week is over.

The world and the world of work have changed dramatically. I mean, things just aren't the same as they used to be, as has what people expect and want.

Let us take this momentum and apply the lessons learned from the speakers into our daily work routines. By implementing new practices that promote happiness and well-being, we can ensure that the positive impact continues. Together, let’s celebrate our successes and failures, cherish the insights gained from the speakers and our co-workers, and strive for a work environment that prioritizes happiness and productivity every day.

To watch the five sessions please click on the pictures of the speakers above. You can also click on their names if you want to see their profiles on LinkedIn.


It´s cheaper to keep happy employees